We believe our memberships are the best way to get the full experience of what our facility has to offer. During the summer our memberships are $99/mo per person. If you're a member through the summer, the price will not increase in the winter. Members who sign up in the winter will have a price tag of $189/mo(for winter months) until you meet 6 months of being a member. Once you meet that requirement, the price will drop back down to $99/mo. While that may sound like a lot for a simulator package, here's all that is included with that:
- Unlimited Golf on the trackman.
- Unlimited Golf on the trackman.
- 24/7 access to the facility with your own personal door code.
- Guest allowed at $10/hr for each guest.
- Outdoor Golf invitations(4 per year).
- No price increase for peak season(winter).